Consulting 101: Evaluating Vertical Market Business Software for Yoga Studios
Last updated: 9/18/2002; 9:32:05 PM
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Consulting 101: Evaluating Vertical Market Business Software for Yoga Studios

At this point, having read the title of this essay, you're probably thinking that "Scott's lost his mind".  Why is he writing about this?  Well, read on and learn.  There is a good lesson for consultants here as well as useful information for owners of yoga studios as well.

As a small consultant in the technology field, no matter what you do for your clients, they will turn to you for technology advice.  It doesn't matter if you are there to build web sites or install a new computer – if you are technical and available then people will ask you questions.  That's ok.  It's actually good since it is another opportunity to build a better, perhaps more lucrative, relationship with your customer.  This essay is an example of just that circumstance.

My partner is an avid believer in yoga and got us a gig doing the web site for Diane Ducharme's Bikram yoga business,  Diane was happy with our work (and our willingness to take care of a minor virus outbreak on her laptop) and recommend us to the very, very cool Kate of Bikram Yoga Ipswich.  I did the sales call and put together a plan for her website and we were talking about computers and hardware for her studio (I need to put together some recommendations for her) and then she asked me about buying software for her business: Omsoft and a few other packages.  She asked my opinion if it's a good purchase or not and I realized "Hey! There's an essay in this".  And here we are.

Evaluating Software for Running Your Business

Vertical market

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