ruby invalid option dash colon Or When Ruby Goes Insane in the Brain
This is a short one but a weird one. My main box rebooted today and when I went to create a blog post, I got this madness:
❯ jekyll post "A Social Media Marketing Strategy that Mom Would Approve"
ruby: invalid option -: (-h will show valid options) (RuntimeError)
In all my years of ruby, I've never seen -:. All the normal jiggery pokery of:
- which ruby
- rvm list
etc failed to give me any insights. I finally found the answer on an obscure Github issue that said "unset RUBYOPT" so:
❯ unset RUBYOPT
And that gave me back:
blog on gh-pages [🤷] via 💎 v2.3.1 on ☁️ us-west-2
❯ ruby --version
ruby 2.3.1p112 (2016-04-26 revision 54768) [x86_64-darwin16]
blog on gh-pages [🤷] via 💎 v2.3.1 on ☁️ us-west-2
❯ jekyll post "A Social Marketing Strategy that Mom Would Approve"
New post created at _posts/
And now, once again, I can (joyfully) write!