Creating a Rails App Using JumpStart Pro
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The following blog post is an excerpt from a series of articles I'm working on about JumpStart Pro. I found myself referring to the steps below that I thought it might be generally useful for people.
I'm going to walk you through the "post purchase" experience with Jump Start Pro (JSP). This will guide you through creating a new app using JSP.
Step 1: Cloning an App Into Your Github
Here's what you do:
- Purchase your Jumpstart Pro license.
- Log in to if you haven't already.
- Click on your license name.
- You will end up at a page which tells you to visit your Github repo. You need to goto: This in turn will take you here:
- Click into the Rails repository
- Click the green Use This Template button.
- Change the owner to be your github name
- Enter the name of the NEW repo:
- Set your description if you care (I never do).
- Change the setting to be private.
- I checked off [ ] include all branches (no clue if that was right or not)
- Click the green Create repository from template button
Step 2: Getting that Cloned App Onto Your Machine
Github is going to clone the Jumpstart pro rails repo over to your personal github account. Here's what's next
- On your new repo, click the green Code drop down and get the clone url .
- On your development machine, change to your local development directory and clone the repo: git clone (what you copied)
- Set up your local ruby to be 3.1 if you don't have it.
- Run a bundle install
- Edit config/database.yml and change database names as needed.
Now you want to run:
bin/rails db:create
Step 3: Setup and Getting to Green Tests in a Rails 7 World
When you're starting with something complex that someone else built then tests are always, always, always your friend. So this means that you start with:
bin/rails test
This is going to fail but we're working from failure to success (a red / green refactor approach).
- Run npm install
- Run yarn install –check-files (Disclaimer – the whole asset pipeline largely remains a mystery to me; I think this is needed but, for all I really know, running it could kill Santa's elves and invoke the apocalypse).
- Run bin/rails test - if this passes, GREAT! But if you get the error: DRb::DRbRemoteError: The asset "application.js" is not present in the asset pipeline. then revert your node version back to 16.
Here's how to check your node version:
❯ node -v
Just like ruby has RVM, node has NVM (node version manager) so install that.
nvm install 16.3.0
and then:
npm install
Now you need to build the JavaScript for the app:
rails javascript:build
The next error you will get, if you try to test again, is:
The asset "application.css" is not present in the asset pipeline
so now you need to do:
rails css:build
And now you can do:
bin/rails test
and you should have passing tests!
Kudos to: Benjamin Huoy for making this clear to me. Thank you.
Step 4: Add Your Gems
My usual next steps are to add my normal suite of gems:
bundle add url_common && bundle add text_common && bundle add date_common && bundle add time_common
bundle add factory_bot_rails --group test
Disclaimer: The gems named something_common are ones that I wrote. They are on my Github.
Posted In: #rails #jumpstart