How to Turn Off Rails 5 Default Foreign Key Migrations
I could swear that I've written this down before but I can't find it now and, as usual, I blog as much for myself as I do for anyone else. When Rails 5 came out it made foreign key migrations standard and that, as any major change, bites lots of existing users. It certainly has me. Here's how to turn it off:
- Turn off your server.
- Create an initializer in config/initializers named active_record_belongs_to_required_by_default.rb You could also name it "you_suck_rails.rb" (yeah I'm at ElixirCon so hitting this, today, is beyond bitter).
Add this content:
#Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
associations by default. This is a new Rails 5.0#default, so it is introduced as a configuration option to ensure that apps
#made on earlier versions of Rails are not affected when upgrading.
Rails.application.config.active_record.belongs_to_required_by_default = false
Posted In: #rails #mysql #migration #foreign key