Linux, Docker and Where Did My Disc Space Go?
Some computing problems fall into the category of evergreen – no matter what you do, they will always, always, always occur – they are evergreen just like a pine tree. Today's version of this is storage. I've been running an EC2 node which has a SystemD service (no flames; I actually like SystemD although I do regard it as a betrayal of Unix's heritage but …) which processes some data via a Ruby application which is run through Docker.
I was monitoring the underlying processing queue and I noticed that this box had seemingly stopped processing leading to a slow down in my data pipeline. When I dug into the box, I noticed that the box was out of disc space. This led to the first question "#*#$&#$# where did my disc space go" and caused me to invoke this shell incantation:
cd / && sudo du -h --max-depth=1
which gave me this:
16K ./opt
105M ./boot
789M ./snap
56K ./root
234M ./lib
40K ./tmp
763M ./home
844K ./run
0 ./dev
16G ./var
1.6G ./usr
15M ./sbin
15M ./bin
du: cannot access './proc/17764/task/17764/fd/4': No such file or directory
du: cannot access './proc/17764/task/17764/fdinfo/4': No such file or directory
du: cannot access './proc/17764/fd/3': No such file or directory
du: cannot access './proc/17764/fdinfo/3': No such file or directory
0 ./proc
4.0K ./mnt
4.0K ./srv
4.0K ./lib64
0 ./sys
16K ./lost+found
4.0K ./media
5.5M ./etc
20G .
Looking at the above, I could see that the bulk of the data was in /var so I changed into var and did it again:
cd /var && sudo du -h --max-depth=1
which gave me:
4.0K ./local
4.0K ./opt
36K ./snap
4.0K ./mail
11G ./lib
24K ./tmp
5.3G ./log
768K ./backups
82M ./cache
4.0K ./crash
28K ./spool
16G .
Clearly I could have looked at log but I chose to go after lib which was twice as large:
cd lib && sudo du -h --max-depth=1
cd lib && sudo du -h --max-depth=1
20K ./update-notifier
544K ./usbutils
16K ./amazon
0 ./lxcfs
8.0K ./sudo
12K ./grub
11G ./docker
32K ./polkit-1
33M ./dpkg
28K ./pam
4.0K ./unattended-upgrades
4.0K ./misc
4.0K ./dhcp
4.0K ./git
4.0K ./os-prober
4.0K ./python
8.0K ./logrotate
12K ./AccountsService
338M ./snapd
432K ./systemd
4.0K ./lxd
129M ./apt
4.0K ./landscape
12K ./private
184K ./containerd
120K ./ucf
4.0K ./ubuntu-release-upgrader
11M ./mlocate
4.0K ./command-not-found
680K ./cloud
8.0K ./vim
4.0K ./plymouth
12K ./update-manager
4.0K ./man-db
4.0K ./dbus
8.0K ./ureadahead
16K ./initramfs-tools
11G .
And that told me that that culprit was Docker! A vague memory of having this issue earlier in my life led me to these docker commands:
docker system df
which revealed:
root@ip-172-31-15-140:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/fbacd11ec88524762f258c92223fa8499fb4514c4a2d494e4cf5078d924be626# docker system df
Images 35 9 9.139GB 8.929GB (97%)
Containers 37 1 2.287GB 2.287GB (100%)
Local Volumes 0 0 0B 0B
Build Cache 0 0 0B 0B
and then the logical successor to docker system df was:
docker system prune -f
After that I had disc space again and then I could start my SystemD service with:
systemctl status
systemctl status service.service
systemctl start service.service
Yes my service is unimaginatively named "service.service"
In Case Rails is Part of Your System
I ran out of disc space today (July 27, 2020) on a production system running Rails and I started to follow the process above and then I thought – "Wait – Rails log". and I:
- Changed into right user for the Rails process.
- Changed into the right directory for the Rails app (i.e. RAILS_ROOT/current).
- Executed a du -h log
- Ran a bundle exec rake log:clear when I saw the size of the logs was 90 gigs.