Linux Tip of the Day - git-standup
Over on Twitter, @kamranahmedse pointed out to me that git-standup does similar things to git-recall which I recently talked about – and more. First off – thank you! Based on his github account, I'd assume that git-standup is his project and he's done really nice work here.
In case you missed the previous post on git-recall, git-standup helps you to understand what's been going on with a codebase by looking at commits either during the same day or a given range of days.
Install on Linux as follows:
curl -L sudo sh
or you can use npm:
npm install -g git-standup
or if you are on OSX then you can use brew:
brew install git-standup
Here are the very useful options that git-standup supports:
$ git standup [-a <author name>]
[-w <weekstart-weekend>]
[-m <max-dir-depth>]
[-d <days-ago>]
[-D <date-format>]
After you change into a directory where you're working on something git, do this:
and you'll get a view of what happened over the past day. Where git-standup shines over git recall is in its use of command line options to expand beyond the previous day. And here's an example of looking back over the past 5 days:
Posted In: #linux_tip_of_the_day #linux #git