I don't recommend that anyone blog the way I do. Git and Jekyll are both fairly user hostile but I found myself having to do this the other day so i thought I'd document it at least for myself.

Note the First: This assumes that you have a working local ruby installation and the Jekyll gem installed.

Note the Second: These instructions are rough – there's a fair bit of jiggery / pokery going on here and I may have missed a step. Dust off your Google Fu, sacrifice a goat and pray. That's usually how I setup a new blog.

Things in bold or otherwise emphasized are what you type.

  1. Do a jekyll new blogname and create a new blog. blogname is how this is going to appear online so get that name right.
  2. Change into that directory. I don't know what it is so the only help I can give you is cd.
  3. In that directory, do a git init.
  4. On github create a new repository named blogname (in step 1).
  5. On your local machine, in that directory, do a:

    git remote add origin git@github.com:fuzzygroup/blogname.git

  6. Do a bundle install to setup all the code for your Jekyll blog.
  7. Edit _config.yml and setup your metadata.
  8. Do a git add .
  9. Do a git commit -m "initial commit"
  10. Do a git branch gh-pages.
  11. Do a git co gh-pages.
  12. Do a git push origin gh-pages

Try and view it on github. I know that's not very specific and I apologize; a bit rushed this morning.
