Miller - A Swiss Army Chainsaw for CSV Data, Data Science and Data Munging
Every so often I run into a tool which just impresses me. This time it is Miller. And when I find such a tool, I write up a blog post to firm up my learnings. Here is the official description:
Miller is a command-line tool for querying, shaping, and reformatting data files in various formats including CSV, TSV, JSON, and JSON Lines.
The people that know me know that I've spent literal man years working with textual data, often CSV format – I first got started at this using Awk, specifically the NTERGAID version of Awk called HyperAwk and then I've done the Perl dance, spent time in the bowels of the abyss that is Sed, PHP, Python and Ruby. A lot of the ad hoc scripting I've written over the years can be accomplished via Miller and that is a lovely change.
Just as a note, Miller's docs are really quite excellent and it is a sophisticated tool. This blog post really only touches a bit on what Miller is capable of. If you don't find what you are looking here then hit the docs.
I'm on a Mac so all this took was:
brew install miller
To confirm this works, just type:
mlr --version
and you should get back something like 6.x.y. I got:
mlr 6.2.0
General Command Structure and Operation
Miller is a command line tool that operates with commands like this:
mlr --csv sort -f name input.csv
Basically the syntax amounts to:
- input type
- command verb (sort in this case)
- option flag
- input source
Getting Help
The –help flag gives you help:
mlr --help
Usage: mlr [flags] {verb} [verb-dependent options ...] {zero or more file names}
If zero file names are provided, standard input is read, e.g.
mlr --csv sort -f shape example.csv
Output of one verb may be chained as input to another using "then", e.g.
mlr --csv stats1 -a min,mean,max -f quantity then sort -f color example.csv
Please see 'mlr help topics' for more information.
Please also see
The mlr help topics command is quite informative:
mlr help topics
Type 'mlr help {topic}' for any of the following:
mlr help topics
mlr help basic-examples
mlr help file-formats
mlr help flags
mlr help list-separator-aliases
mlr help list-separator-regex-aliases
mlr help comments-in-data-flags
mlr help compressed-data-flags
mlr help csv/tsv-only-flags
mlr help file-format-flags
mlr help flatten-unflatten-flags
mlr help format-conversion-keystroke-saver-flags
mlr help legacy-flags
mlr help miscellaneous-flags
mlr help output-colorization-flags
mlr help pprint-only-flags
mlr help profiling-flags
mlr help separator-flags
mlr help list-verbs
mlr help usage-verbs
mlr help verb
mlr help list-functions
mlr help list-function-classes
mlr help list-functions-in-class
mlr help usage-functions
mlr help usage-functions-by-class
mlr help function
mlr help list-keywords
mlr help usage-keywords
mlr help keyword
mlr help auxents
mlr help mlrrc
mlr help output-colorization
mlr help type-arithmetic-info
mlr -g = mlr help flags
mlr -l = mlr help list-verbs
mlr -L = mlr help usage-verbs
mlr -f = mlr help list-functions
mlr -F = mlr help usage-functions
mlr -k = mlr help list-keywords
mlr -K = mlr help usage-keywords
Lastly, 'mlr help ...' will search for your exact text '...' using the sources of
'mlr help flag', 'mlr help verb', 'mlr help function', and 'mlr help keyword'.
Use 'mlr help find ...' for approximate (substring) matches, e.g. 'mlr help find map'
for all things with "map" in their names.
Here is an example for mlr help list-verbs:
mlr help list-verbs
altkv bar bootstrap cat check clean-whitespace count-distinct count
count-similar cut decimate fill-down fill-empty filter flatten format-values
fraction gap grep group-by group-like having-fields head histogram json-parse
json-stringify join label least-frequent merge-fields most-frequent nest
nothing put regularize remove-empty-columns rename reorder repeat reshape
sample sec2gmtdate sec2gmt seqgen shuffle skip-trivial-records sort
sort-within-records split stats1 stats2 step tac tail tee template top
unflatten uniq unsparsify
Simple Examples
I've always found that tools like Miller are best learned from examples so I'm going to write down a number of them. All or most of these examples will just write to the screen but be fully aware that Miller supports standard Unix output redirection so you can just add "> /file.csv" and direct the output to the specified file.
Listing a CSV File
The cat command verb just outputs data as a pass through:
mlr --csv cat /Users/sjohnson/Downloads/cases_0323.csv
Listing the First 4 Lines of a CSV File
The head command verb lists lines from the beginning of the file. The "-n 4" tells Miller to only output the first four lines.
mlr --csv head -n 4 /Users/sjohnson/Downloads/cases_0323.csv
Here is the result of this command so you can see the data I'm working with:
45001,Abbeville,South Carolina,US,2020-03-23 03:32:31,34.22333378,-82.46170658,1,0,0,0,"Abbeville, South Carolina, US"
22001,Acadia,Louisiana,US,2020-03-23 03:32:31,30.295064899999996,-92.41419698,0,0,0,0,"Acadia, Louisiana, US"
51001,Accomack,Virginia,US,2020-03-23 03:32:31,37.76707161,-75.63234615,1,0,0,0,"Accomack, Virginia, US"
16001,Ada,Idaho,US,2020-03-23 03:32:31,43.4526575,-116.24155159999998,13,0,0,0,"Ada, Idaho, US"
Here is me redirecting this to make a small test file:
mlr --csv head -n 4 /Users/sjohnson/Downloads/cases_0323.csv > ~/Downloads/miller.csv
Note: This small test file will be used later for specific examples.
And here is the proof that it did what I instructed it to:
mlr --csv cat ~/Downloads/miller.csv
45001,Abbeville,South Carolina,US,2020-03-23 03:32:31,34.22333378,-82.46170658,1,0,0,0,"Abbeville, South Carolina, US"
22001,Acadia,Louisiana,US,2020-03-23 03:32:31,30.295064899999996,-92.41419698,0,0,0,0,"Acadia, Louisiana, US"
51001,Accomack,Virginia,US,2020-03-23 03:32:31,37.76707161,-75.63234615,1,0,0,0,"Accomack, Virginia, US"
16001,Ada,Idaho,US,2020-03-23 03:32:31,43.4526575,-116.24155159999998,13,0,0,0,"Ada, Idaho, US"
Note: This is data from the US Covid Pandemic that was originally put into my Covid Near Me project.
Listing the Last 4 Lines of a CSV File
The tail command verb works from the end (tail) of the file instead of the beginning (head).
mlr --csv tail -n 4 /Users/sjohnson/Downloads/cases_0323.csv
Sorting a CSV File by Column Name
The sort command verb does just that – it sorts the file.
mlr --csv sort -f FIPS ~/Downloads/miller.csv
And here's the result of that sort:
16001,Ada,Idaho,US,2020-03-23 03:32:31,43.4526575,-116.24155159999998,13,0,0,0,"Ada, Idaho, US"
22001,Acadia,Louisiana,US,2020-03-23 03:32:31,30.295064899999996,-92.41419698,0,0,0,0,"Acadia, Louisiana, US"
45001,Abbeville,South Carolina,US,2020-03-23 03:32:31,34.22333378,-82.46170658,1,0,0,0,"Abbeville, South Carolina, US"
51001,Accomack,Virginia,US,2020-03-23 03:32:31,37.76707161,-75.63234615,1,0,0,0,"Accomack, Virginia, US"
Here is a sort on the Province_State field:
mlr --csv sort -f Province_State ~/Downloads/miller.csv
Here are the results of that sort:
16001,Ada,Idaho,US,2020-03-23 03:32:31,43.4526575,-116.24155159999998,13,0,0,0,"Ada, Idaho, US"
22001,Acadia,Louisiana,US,2020-03-23 03:32:31,30.295064899999996,-92.41419698,0,0,0,0,"Acadia, Louisiana, US"
45001,Abbeville,South Carolina,US,2020-03-23 03:32:31,34.22333378,-82.46170658,1,0,0,0,"Abbeville, South Carolina, US"
51001,Accomack,Virginia,US,2020-03-23 03:32:31,37.76707161,-75.63234615,1,0,0,0,"Accomack, Virginia, US"
Converting a CSV to JSON
The tail command verb can be combined with the "-o" output flag to give you json conversion:
mlr --icsv --ojson tail -n 2 /Users/sjohnson/Downloads/cases_0323.csv
Note: This also works with –csv (the -icsv is another way to indicate the input format).
If you wanted to convert just the beginning of the file then you'd use the head command:
mlr --icsv --ojson head -n 2 /Users/sjohnson/Downloads/cases_0323.csv
And if you wanted to do the whole file then you'd use the cat command:
mlr --icsv --ojson cat /Users/sjohnson/Downloads/cases_0323.csv
Pretty Printing a CSV
The -opprint output flag (pprint is short for pretty print) can be used to give more easily understand human output:
mlr --csv --opprint cat ~/Downloads/miller.csv
FIPS Admin2 Province_State Country_Region Last_Update Lat Long_ Confirmed Deaths Recovered Active Combined_Key
45001 Abbeville South Carolina US 2020-03-23 03:32:31 34.22333378 -82.46170658 1 0 0 0 Abbeville, South Carolina, US
22001 Acadia Louisiana US 2020-03-23 03:32:31 30.295064899999996 -92.41419698 0 0 0 0 Acadia, Louisiana, US
51001 Accomack Virginia US 2020-03-23 03:32:31 37.76707161 -75.63234615 1 0 0 0 Accomack, Virginia, US
16001 Ada Idaho US 2020-03-23 03:32:31 43.4526575 -116.24155159999998 13 0 0 0
Of course the cat command verb can be replaced by sort:
mlr --csv --opprint sort -f Province_State ~/Downloads/miller.csv
FIPS Admin2 Province_State Country_Region Last_Update Lat Long_ Confirmed Deaths Recovered Active Combined_Key
16001 Ada Idaho US 2020-03-23 03:32:31 43.4526575 -116.24155159999998 13 0 0 0 Ada, Idaho, US
22001 Acadia Louisiana US 2020-03-23 03:32:31 30.295064899999996 -92.41419698 0 0 0 0 Acadia, Louisiana, US
45001 Abbeville South Carolina US 2020-03-23 03:32:31 34.22333378 -82.46170658 1 0 0 0 Abbeville, South Carolina, US
51001 Accomack Virginia US 2020-03-23 03:32:31 37.76707161 -75.63234615 1 0 0 0 Accomack, Virginia, US
Changing the Shape of Your Data - cut
The cut command verb changes the shape of your data by extracting only the specified fields:
mlr --csv --opprint cut -f FIPS,Admin2,Province_State ~/Downloads/miller.csv
Here is the output:
FIPS Admin2 Province_State
45001 Abbeville South Carolina
22001 Acadia Louisiana
51001 Accomack Virginia
16001 Ada Idaho
Diving into Your Data - count-distinct
A lot of times you want to get a feel for a dataset by looking at its counts. The count-distinct command verb works for that.
mlr --c2p --from ~/Downloads/miller.csv count-distinct -f Province_State | head
Province_State count
South Carolina 1
Louisiana 1
Virginia 1
Idaho 1
If we run this on our original input file, we see results like this:
mlr --c2p --from ~/Downloads/cases_0323.csv count-distinct -f Province_State | head -n10
Province_State count
South Carolina 46
Louisiana 65
Virginia 133
Idaho 44
Iowa 99
Kentucky 121
Missouri 117
Oklahoma 77
Colorado 65
This is 1,468 words long and it barely touches on the coolness that is Miller. Kudos to John Kerl for producing such a wonderful tool.
Posted In: #data_science #csv #miller