This is my second pass at making Tembleque. My first attempt ended up with an interesting texture (think solid pudding; sigh). I was striving for something more like those jiggly white monsters from Doctor Who than a solid mass of pudding. And no I can’t remember their name but I think it starts with an A.


  • 2 cans full fat coconut milk
  • Cinnamon to sprinkle on the top
  • 2 tbsp Grand Marnier or Dekupyers O3 Orange Liquor
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • Toasted Coconut Flakes to top, about 3 tbsp (take coconut and put it on a cookie sheet under the broiler and watch it intently as it goes white to tan and get it out almost immediately)
  • Ice Cream (in case this doesn’t work; everyone likes ice cream)


  1. Combine sugar, cornstarch and salt in pan on stove and whisk together
  2. Add coconut milk and orange liquor.
  3. Bring to a simmer over medium high heat.
  4. Cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Pour into individual serving cups or ramekins.
  6. Top with cinnamon and toasted coconut.
  7. Let cool on counter for 2 hours and then move to fridge until ready to serve.


After making this and letting it sit in the fridge overnight, it proved to be delicious. I suspect it would have been just as good after only a few hours. Recommended.


Here are a bunch because I wasn’t happy with my first take: